Bill van Gilder Pottery

van Gilder Glazes are now available dry mixed!
Click the button to access the
Mighty Mud Mixer website...
We have partnered with Mighty Mud Mixer to offer van Gilder Glazes in a dry mix. We are not selling them through our online store. You must got to Mighty Mud Mixer website to purchase them.
We will be offering the following glazes at this time:
Oribe Green
Amber Gold
Teal Blue
Rutile Green
Very Clear
Purple Gloss
Mighty Mud Mixer is a resource for imputing your own ceramic recipes & having them shipped to you in dry form, or select one of the van Gilder glazes or one of their popular studio glazes. Your glaze will delivered in flat rate shipping boxes from USPS. Inside will be the bagged up materials from the mix you’ve ordered.
Be sure to read the FAQ section of the Mighty Mud Mixer website for an understanding of what you will be getting as well as their tips for mixing your glazes.
Bill will be offering tips and answering questions about using his glazes as part of his monthly newsletter. If you are not receiving it please sign up below.
127 Jennings Ave.
Knoxville, Tennessee
Call (865) 595-1900